Đánh giá độc tính cấp và độc tính bán trường diễn của viên nang Bilasen trên động vật thực nghiệm

Văn Lĩnh Nguyễn, Trung Tường Nguyễn, Văn Cường Nguyễn, Thanh Hà Đinh, Thị Hằng Đinh

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The research aims to evaluate the acute toxicity in white mice and subchronic toxicity in white rat of Bilasen capsules. Experimental methods: track the general condition, evaluating the function of liver and kidney through the blood test and histopathology. Result: The LD50 was undefined although of maximum dose 10g/kg/day; no change in the blood test and histology with dose of 1.26 g/kg/day after consecutive 8 weeks. Conclusion: Bilasen capsule was not have acute and subchronic toxicity on experimental animals.

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