Đánh giá tác dụng trấn tĩnh gây ngủ của viên nang Bilasen trên động vật thực nghiệm

Văn Lĩnh Nguyễn, Hữu Dương Nguyễn, Thị Hằng Đinh, Trung Tường Nguyễn

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Objectives: This study evaluate the sedative effects of Bilasen capsules in white mice. Methods: to evaluate the sedative effects of Bilasen capsules in openfield, on elevated plus maze, forced swimming test, EEG results. Result: Bilasen capsules make them that to reduce action, exploration in openfield, dose of 500mg/ kg, 1500mg/kg; to reduce action, to increase standing time, dose of 500mg/kg, sedative, not nervous, dose of 1500mg/kg on elevated plus maze; sedative, to reduce action, not nervous in forced swimming test, dose of 500mg/kg, 1500mg/kg; is relax, to reduce cortical activation, sedative on EEG.

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