Y học cổ truyền trong điều trị bệnh viêm gan virus mạn tính và triển vọng trong tương lai
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Chronic liver diseases is a serious health problem worldwide. The common cause include viral infections, autoimmune diseases, and toxic substances such as drugs or alcohol. The efficiency of current synthetic agents in treating chronic viral hepatitis is not satisfactory and they have undesirable side effects. Thereby, numerous medicinal herbs and phytochemicals have been investigated as complementary and alternative treatments for chronic liver diseases. Since some herbal products have already been used for the management of liver diseases in some countries or regions, a systematic review on these herbal medicines for chronic liver disease is urgently needed. This review article is a comprehensive and systematic analysis of our current knowledge of the conventional medicinal herbs and phytochemicals in treating chronic liver diseases and on the potential pitfalls which need to be addressed in future study.
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chronic viral hepatitis, herbal medicines.
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