Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của cốm tan Sinh tân chỉ huyết đối với chức năng và hình thái gan thận trên chuột cống trắng
Main Article Content
Objectives: To evaluate the influence of Sinh tan chi huyet on function and morphology of liver and kidney of rat. Experimental methods: evaluating the function of liver and kidney through the monitoring of indicators: AST, ALT, Bilirubin, creatinin, ure; histopathology of liver and kidney. Subjects and methods: Rats were given continuous oral administration of Sinh tan chi huyet at the doses of 2.8 g/kg and 8.4 g/kg during 8 weeks. Rats were assessed before the experiment, after 4 weeks, and 8 weeks. Results: The research showed that Sinh tan chi huyet at the doses of 2.8 g/kg and 8.4 g/kg in 8 weeks had no effects on the rats’ function and morphology of liver and kidney.
Article Details
Sinh tan chi huyet, function and morphology of liver and kidney
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