Đánh giá ảnh hưởng của thuốc Tiêu u hoàn đến chức năng và hình thái gan thận trên động vật thực nghiệm

Trường Thanh Hưng Lưu, Minh Hùng Dương, Song Hài Nguyễn

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“Tieu u hoan” product was utilized in clinical and experimental research of hepatocellular carcinoma. The study was conducted to evaluate the effect of “Tieu u hoan” on the liver and kidney morphology and function of the white rat - Wistar strain according to Vietnam Health Ministry’s regulation. The experimentally evaluated parameters: AST, ALT, Urea, Creatinine, histopathology of liver, kidney. Results: With the dose of 4.76g/kg and 14.28 g/kg per day for 12 consecutive weeks, Tieu u hoan did not affect on liver and kidney the function and morphology.      

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