Đánh giá tác dụng chống viêm cấp của thuốc Hoàn Khớp trên mô hình thực nghiệm
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Objectives: This study is to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of Hoan khop in acute inflammation models. Methods: evaluating anti-acute inflammatory effect of Hoan khop on three animal models: The carrageenin induced hind paw oedema, the carrageenin and formaldehyde-induced peritonitis model in rats and the acetic acid induced vascular permeability model. Result: Hoan khop reduced the volume of hind paw oedema in rats, dose of 2.8g/kg (31.57%) and 5.6g/kg (55.51%). Hoan khop reduced neutrophil infiltration, dose of 2.8g/kg (54.54%) dose of 5.6g/kg (58.92%) (p<0.05). Inflammatory exudate volume and protein content in inflammatory exudate were also significantly reduced. Hoan khop dose of 2.8g/kg has not shown an inhibitory effect on vascular permeability in the model of acetic acid-induced inflammation. Conclusion: Hoan khop has acute anti-inflammatory effect, shown by reductions in oedema, neutrophil infiltration, exudate volumes and also the protein content in the inflammatory exudate compared to control group.
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Hoan khop, anti-acute inflamatory.
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