Đánh giá đa dạng nguồn tài nguyên cây thuốc tại khu vực rừng phòng hộ thị xã Phú Mỹ và huyện đất đỏ tỉnh Bà Rịa – Vũng Tàu
Main Article Content
The study aims at investigating the diversity of 435 species of medicinal plants of 319 genera, 117 families, and 4 vascular divisions (including Lycopodiophyta, Polypodiophyta, Gnetophyta, and Magnoliophyta) in Phu My and Dat Do districts, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. The Magnoliophyta is the biggest division accounting for 94.71% of the total and of which herbaceous is more popular than the remaining five life forms (trees, shrubs, epiphytes and parasites (37.01%). Different parts of the plants used as medicinal herbs are divided into 6 sub-categories stem/ bark, leaf/ branch, root/ taproot, whole plant, flower/fruit/seed, and sap/ latex. Whole plants and leaves/branches are the most popular groups representing 33% to 36%. The results show that 20 disease groups could be treated with medicinal plants, including dermatology, digestive, liver, kidney, gallbladder; and 119 to 185 species of medicinal plants can be used for digest disease treatment. A total of 16 endangered species of medicinal plants are listed in Vietnam Red Data Book (2007), Vietnam’s Red List (2007) and Medicinal plants in Vietnam’s Red List (2019), and in the Decree 84 of the Vietnamese government in 2021.
Article Details
Diversity of medicinal plant, medicinal materials, Phu My, Ba Ria - Vung Tau
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